
Video Production In Somerset, Somerset Uncovered At Burrow Hill

Video Production In Somerset, Somerset Uncovered At Burrow Hill

Burrow Hill is a location I know very well and I’ve photographed here many times including from the air.
On this occasion, I wanted to revisit for my video project Somerset Uncovered.

We have recently had a spell of very settled warm weather but clear blue skies are not what was required for this shoot.
A few days ago my careful watch on the weather forecast promised another hot day but with cloud moving in later in the evening which sounded perfect for the shoot.
I already knew where the sun would be positioned for my composition so it was just a case of planning my timings.

One of the things I dislike about Time-lapse is that some objects like too much foreground foliage can move rather quickly.
This can not only be distracting but also ruin the tranquillity and graceful pace of the skies and light that sometimes dances across the landscape.
Therefore careful composition to avoid these elements or clever post-production is required.

Unlike shooting stills and retouching in Photoshop this can be a lot trickier when working with moving elements but I do love a challenge!

[su_vimeo url=”https://vimeo.com/338069981″ width=”1600″ height=”720″]

Venice Beach Patrol 1992

The last few days I’ve been busy in my archives digging through my travel photography portfolio. and also old car work.
These were shot predominately when I was retained to shoot cover cars for Top Marques magazine in circa 2007.

Within the keyword search popped up this image from my travel and photography trip in the states way back in 1992.
The photography location is Venice Beach in Los Angeles where I finished my 3-month photo trip before flying home.

Unfortunately, the lab back here in the UK actually cocked up the processing leaving many rolls with major colour and tonal issues and pretty much unusable.

Thankfully decades after capturing the image and with my knowledge of image retouching many frames are now repairable.


Burton Pynsent Monument

Burton Pynsent Monument

Continuing on with my video production somerset project titled  Somerset Uncovered Time Lapse Video project I took a trip to a location close to my home.
As is often the case we can travel hundreds of miles yet don’t get around to those places that are closest to home.
The Burton Pynsent Monument is one such place I’ve meant to visit for a long time.
Located at Curry Rivel it was built in 1767 and is a grade 1 listed building.
As spectacular as the tower itself are the amazing views across the South Somerset landscape.

[su_vimeo url=”https://vimeo.com/335884509″ width=”1600″ height=”720″]

Whitelackington Trees Time Lapse Video, Somerset Uncovered

Whitelackington Trees Time Lapse Video, Somerset Uncovered

A short Time Lapse Video part of a series called Somerset Uncovered.
These trees can be found sandwiched between the A303 and B1368 at Whitelackington. 
Due to the location, I’ve passed them often admiring their transformation over the seasons.
It was for this rather simple reason that I decided to create a short Time Lapse Video here.

[su_vimeo url=”https://vimeo.com/334062741″ width=”1600″ height=”720″]

Somerset Uncovered

This is an old World War II train track called the stop line that cuts through South Somerset parts of which are hidden away in fields and overgrown by time.

The short video and time-lapse sequence is part of a self assigned project. 

[su_vimeo url=”https://vimeo.com/329664106″ width=”1600″ height=”720″]

My Cornwall

With the clocks going forward and Easter around the corner attention naturally turns to holidays.
A lot of my childhood holidays were spent in Cornwall and St Ives even became home for a short period in my mid twenties.
My first ever self assigned photography project was capturing the fishermen of the county.
So Cornwall holds a special place for me like it does for many people who head down the A30 to enjoy their holidays in the county.

Huers Hut Cadgwith


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