I recently returned from a well-earnt break in Greece which got me thinking about this image.

I created this image (note I said created not taken) a couple of years ago.

The idea for it came from a memory I had of Mandraki harbour in Rhodes some 30 plus years earlier.

I had decided in my early 20’s to go island hopping starting my adventure from Rhodes and travelling on from there.

Being young and on a budget and fact I had landed in the early hours I decided to save money on a room and wait at Mandraki harbour to catch my early morning ferry to Kos.

It’s funny how our minds can fill in gaps in our memories and this came evident when I returned all these years later wishing to capture the location I remembered fondly.

I remember a long open-faced building area with beautiful arches overlooking the entrance to Mandraki harbour and the two famous statues where the Colossus had possibly once stood.

However, when I arrived at dawn gear in hand I quickly realised that wasn’t quite the reality.

Sure all those elements existed but the building with the arches I remember so vividly actually overlooked a car park and not waterside onto the harbour!

Undeterred I decided to create my version from the memories I experienced (or thought).

I even decided to give the floor an upgrade with a lovely mosaic from Kolmybia.

I know some will say this is fake or cheating and it certainly would not be approved of if used for selling Greek Tourism to the island.

However, this was a personal image for my portfolio and a happy memory re-created of a place I love visiting with my family and photographing.

View More Of My Work From Rhodes Here
