I’ve been fortunate to have been featured in a fair few photographic magazines over the years and the odd podcast.

Terry Hope is a name that is well-known in the photography press as a writer, editor, and book author.

I first met Terry in the mid-2000 on a car testing track when he interviewed me about my car photography at that time.

We have spoken a few times over the years and most recently was in October this year.

He asked if I’d like to appear in a regular feature in his magazine Professional Photographer called

“Things I Wish I”d Known” and of course, I agreed.

I have to admit I probably agreed without really thinking as I ended up nearly missing the publishing deadline due to a heavy workload and a sunny holiday sidetracking me.

I ended up panicking and writing it on my phone while flying over the Aegean!

I was convinced Terry would throw it back at me with a D – for not completely sticking to the brief of the piece but he’s a perfect gent and politely said it was great (I still think he was being polite).

The article appears in the December 2022 edition of the magazine.

Professional Photographer Magazine Interview December 2022
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